

Remembering our Teachers on Teachers Day

“They inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don't know it”. Yeah, I know you got it. these are the line from Nicholas Sparks novel Dear John.

Teachers play a very important role in every student's life. They shape up the minds of next Generation. Their service is very vital in building the nation.

In our student life, we come across a lot of teachers. some we like and some we don't. there are instances where first we hate the teacher then gradually started to like him and he or she becomes the favorite Teacher.

A good Teacher does not teach only the subjects, but He teaches about life. He inspires students. He tries to understand students' problems and try to solve it. A good Teacher guides the student to the right path when the student is in some kind of confusion or dilemma.

Especially in High School, where the student is full of Energy and Enthusiasm, the age in which everything looks beautiful and they started to get the feeling that whatever they are doing is right. the age which is so vulnerable where a single mistake can ruin the future

I have seen the students to who took a wrong step at that age, completely missed the path and ended up in the worst corner of life. Having said that I have also seen students who came back to the right track at the right time, from the wrong path by the guidance and effort of Teachers.

All these things that we are talking about Teachers, how great they are, how responsible their job is, what is their role, everything is fine. but have we ever tried to understand the kind of life they are living. The job which we respect and consider as very important, is really giving Teachers what they want? The kind of salary the job provides for them, is good enough to live a financially trouble free life. very difficult to answer. I am talking about School Teachers here.

May be some Teachers are getting a good enough salary. It depends on Schools and management. may be Teachers who are in government jobs might be earning a decent salary. but what about Teachers who are working in small private schools? what about their salary? what about their life?

Having studied in small private schools, and being close to lots of teachers, I had the opportunity to observe the financial difficulties of our Teachers. I had seen their sufferings and it made a lot of impact on me at the very early age.

In our society still Teaching job is considered as low income job and people are not interested in teaching as they used to be 10 - 20 years back. at the same time lot of competition for few Government jobs. but not everyone can get government jobs. I have known People who had the dream of becoming Teacher and later changed the decision because of the changes that happened in our educational and IT field. I also know Teachers who left the teaching job to find some other job which will yield the sufficient income to survive in cities like Bangalore.

If Teachers salary will not improve, then it is very difficult to fill these job positions in coming days. If there are no Teachers , how we are going produce the workforce required for different specialized  and high paying jobs ? How we going to build our next educated generation?

Having mentioned the salary part of Teachers, I have to admit that there are people who took the job not just as a mean of income but as a passion and to realize their childhood dream of becoming a Teacher one day.

Personally, I had some great Teachers who helped, inspired and still continue to inspire me. I remember them with great reverence. they helped me in difficult situations, they guided me when I was in a dilemma. They not only taught me about academic subjects but taught me about choosing the right path in life. I still be able to be in touch with them. Today morning also I called our high School Teacher A.T.V [A.T.Venkatesh] and H.R.K [H.R.Kumaraswamy] and wished them happy teachers day.

In this special Teachers day, on the occasion of Dr. RadhaKrishnan's birthday, I remember all those Teachers who played very important part in making me what ever I m today.

Happy Teacher's Day

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