

The Importance Of Celebrating Success: Sam Ovens

The Importance Of Celebrating Success:

Since 2013 I have been helping people start their own consulting businesses and get clients.
It's always been a running tradition to celebrate my students successes regardless of how small or big they are.

When somebody lands their first client we send them a bottle of Moet with a postcard that has a personal note from me on the back of it.

When somebody get's to 6-figures they get a personal invitation to my apartment here in NYC and we hang out for a day and talk business strategy.

And when somebody get's to 7-figures I charter a private jet and we take off to a location for a full day of business strategy and fun.

Last week I hired a Gulfstream G4 and took 9 of my students to Miami to celebrate hitting 7-figures.
As I was on the jet I couldn't help but think about the past few years and how far we have come as a community.

Just 4 years ago I was working out of my parents garage in New Zealand completely broke cold calling and door knocking trying everything to get clients.

2-3 years ago many of my students were working 9-5 corporate jobs which they hated. Some of them were trying to start their own businesses and were completely broke with $0 to show for their efforts.

1 year ago my best student was making $500,000 /year and our entire community looked up to that as if it was some sort of pipe-dream unimaginable goal.

And now here we are today... 9 Millionaire students and myself flying in a Gulfstream to Miami...

What's amazing is that one year ago NONE of my students thought that $1,000,000 /year was even possible. Everyone thought that $1m was a number reserved for the elite and out of the grasp of everyday people.

Then I got my first millionaire student, then the second, then the third and then it started snowballing and now I have 9 millionaire students from my training's.

$1m /year used to be considered impossible. Now we talk about it like it's a hygiene standard.
If there is one thing I have learned in helping others succeed it is to celebrate every success whether it's big or small.

It's just like when somebody breaks a new world record. Nobody in the world can do it and then one person does and the masses follow. This is what happens when you cultivate success and celebrate it with your students.

You have to give people an aspiration and something to work towards and when they see others reaching that point too they believe that it's possible and work even harder to get it.

It's been an amazing journey so far and the best part is that we're only getting started!

If you're thinking about being an entrepreneur - do it. If you are an entrepreneur starting out - keep at it. The greatest rewards hide just behind the point where you swear you are giving up and I can't think of a more exciting ride in the entire world.

Source : Facebook

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