Happy New Year 2015 : Thanks to Nature
planet earth [other celestial forces involved] for doing your job
properly. even though human race exploited you like anything, you never
forgot your duty.
Thanks for completing the rotation around the sun, so that human race can celebrate so called new year. its not your journey. its journey of all creatures on you.
All these years of our life we have seen so many
good and bad things. the same is going to happen in this coming year
also. but the ratio may change. The only thing that remain constant is
the Hope.
Hope of Human mind that good things will occur in this new year is the
force that is driving us to go through our difficult times in every
year. Hope that makes us to go through the good and bad times. Hope that
makes us to sustain all the pain and suffering. Hope that keeps us waiting for the moment of success and joy.
same Hope I wish each and everyone to have a great year with full of
joy , peace and good health. I wish that this year will bring you
everything that you wish.
Good Bye 2014. Thanks for whatever you gave to us.
Welcome 2015.
Happy New Year Folks.
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